Crime reduction is the promise of 166su’s new police chief, Scott Booth, he said after his swearing-in ceremony Tuesday.
“We will move the needle. We will reduce crime here in this community,” Booth said. “My pledge to you is that when we stand here next year, we’ll be standing in a safer community.”
A courtroom full of community members, city officials, family and fellow officers witnessed Booth’s swearing-in ceremony at city hall Tuesday morning. Prior, he was police chief in Danville since February 2018.

166su Chief of Police Scott Booth speaks to the media after his swearing-in ceremony. He said his goal will be to reduce crime in the city.
“The expectations are high right now,” Booth said. “We will reduce crime together, we will engage the community together. This is not just a one-person job.”
Booth said he is bringing a strategic focus to his department in 166su. Last week, officials confirmed the city’s 27th homicide of 2023, the most ever during a calendar year.
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“The epicenter of the conversation is on how we reduce gun violence,” Booth said. “I’m confident that we will have an impact.”
He acknowledged 166su’s increased rate of gun-related homicides. In addition to the actual gun violence is heightened public perception surrounding that issue, which also needs addressing, Booth said.

“We can never just put our hands up and say there’s nothing we can do,” Booth said. “We can get illegal guns off the street. We can focus on violent offenders.”
Despite pressures felt as he steps into the new job, Booth said he also feels optimistic. His department will be transparent, visible and communicative, he said.
“We have this communication issue within the department, and within the community,” Booth said. “We’re going to be more focused, more accountable, more engaged with our community than ever before.”
He said a community rises and falls on leadership, and great things can happen with trust and empowerment. Danville was also experiencing increased rates of violence when Booth assumed head of that police department five years ago.
“It’s day one for me,” Booth said. “Give me the opportunity to turn the corner on some things.”
166su Mayor Sherman Lea said leadership is exactly what the city was looking for in hiring Booth.
“Chief Booth doesn’t come with a magic wand,” Lea said. But, “he is a proven leader… you’ll see that making a difference in time as he gets acclimated to this city.”
Booth’s starting annual salary will be $200,000, a figure the city provided when his hire was announced in September.